Do you have a school or youth group that is interested in learning first-hand about history, religion, science or culture?
We can arrange an itinerary for cities on the East Coast (D.C., area, Williamsburg, Gettysburg, Philadelphia, Boston, New York, etc.), or in Europe in the country/cities you would like to visit and always for your chosen length of time. We can also add service opportunities for your kids to partake in (e.g. volunteering a day in Lourdes helping with the sick and lame).
You can choose to have the tour only for your students/youth group members, you can include their families or open it up to anyone you approve.
Depending upon your budget we can stay at hotels, motels or youth hostels. In Europe we generally include all breakfasts and dinners with lunches on your own. In the U.S. we include all breakfasts and can include dinners (all or some) and lunches (all, some or none).
As far as chaperones: for trips to Europe we generally suggest to have one for every six minors; whereas, for trips in the U.S. you could go as high as one per 10 minors.
Generally at least one teacher/youth minister will get a free trip. We can give you multiple price quotes show the difference in pricing if you want to possibly have more than one free trip included. If you want to give your chaperones a discount instead of a fully free trip, we can easily adjust our price quotes for that too.